Victorian Minnow Sailing Association

Child and Young People Safeguarding

Child and Young People Safeguarding

The Minnow Sailing Association (Victoria) (MSAV) is committed to the protection and safeguarding of children and young people:

  • MSAV has zero tolerance for child abuse.
  • MSAV actively works to listen to and empower children and young people.
  • MSAV adheres to the Australian Sailing integrity policies relating to Member Protection and Child Safeguarding to protect children from abuse. The Committee will take all allegations and concerns very seriously and will respond to them consistently in line with our policies and procedures.
  • MSAV is committed to promoting cultural safety for Aboriginal children, cultural safety for children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.

Our committment is demonstrated by:

  1. MSAV has adopted the Australian Sailing Member Protection Policy.
  2. MSAV has adopted the Australian Sailing Child Safeguarding and Young People Policy
  3. The MSAV Secretary is our appointed Child Safety Officer and can be contacted via to assist with any concerns regarding child safety.
  4. All MSA committee members and volunteers performing child-related work are required to hold a valid Working With Children WWC Check.

    Child-related work is defined as:  Work within one or more of the occupational fields defined in the Act where the contact with a child is unsupervised, direct, and part of a person’s duties.

Volunteers are able to register for a free WWC Check online with Service Victoria:

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