Victorian Minnow Sailing Association


Minnow Sailing Association (Victoria) - Constitution

The Minnow Sailing Association (Victoria) constitution is based on the Model Rules of Association from Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV).

These can be viewed here: Minnow Sailing Association of Victoria Constitution 

Member Protection Policy and Code of Conduct

The Minnow Sailing Association follows the Sailing Australia Member Protection Policy and Code of Conduct. These documents:

  • clearly state the expected behaviours for every level of participation in Minnow sailing.
  • provides a point of reference to teach our developing sailors good sportsmanship.
  • outlines our values and supports good governance and practices.

Why the Member Protection Policy (MPP)?

  • As a YA affiliated association we are encouraged to adopt this policy.
  • Adoption of this policy affords us YA assistance to manage issues that are complicated or inappropriate to manage at the local level.

Our approach

  • A link to the entire YA MPP policy can be found on the MSA website.
  • Competitors and guardians will agree to abide by the Code of Conduct (CoC) at membership renewal.
  • Competitors and guardian agree to CoC on Trybooking for all MSAV regattas.
  • Committee member can accept feedback and initiate action on potential breaches of MPP.
  • Informal management through mediation may be dealt with by MSA.
  • Informal management to involve three committee members.
  • Serious breach of the MPP will be referred to YA for advice/management.

Link to YA MPP document


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